"CutiePi Shell" is a new, open-source UI for mobile devices

Mobile-oriented Linux UIs and window managers are still rare, and a fair share of them happens to be based on old technologies or look understaffed, or even abandoned. However, we might soon have a new contender in this niche: the primarily tablet and Raspberry Pi-oriented CutiePi Shell, designed for the open-source CutiePi Raspberry Pi tablet, offers a minimal, yet extremely smooth Qt shell for mobile devices.
- Web-browser (WebKit-based?)
- On-screen keyboard (dynamically triggered)
- Terminal emulator
- Wi-Fi and connection manager
- Side-tab multitasking
- Support for some battery status ICs and orientation sensors
- (Qt)Wayland CutiePi compositor
Although no app launcher is shown in the demo videos published so far, and we expect the UI and compositor to be still at a very early stage, this is not only one of the very first modern Linux mobile UIs but among the smoothest we've seen so far.
You can find more information about CutiePi Shell here:
A mobile UI for Raspberry Pi and Raspbian OS. Contribute to cutiepi-io/cutiepi-shell development by creating an account on GitHub.
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