
postmarketOS in 2021: over 300 devices, growing technical basis and extensive "mainline" support

postmarketOS in 2021: over 300 devices, growing technical basis and extensive "mainline" support

About one month after targeting smartwatches [] and weeks after its fourth birthday [], postmarketOS has met another crucial milestone for its vision of an entirely sustainable, 10+ year lifecycle for portable devices: the distribution can now boot, to varying
Raffaele T.

⚡ WhatsApp and Anbox: the most popular messaging app now runs on Linux phones

As seen in several previous [] articles [], almost all tuxphone-oriented distributions are actively working on supporting the Anbox abstraction layer in order to integrate Android apps quasi-natively with Linux ones. With Ubuntu Touch, postmarketOS, PureOS and Mobian supporting it, the project is getting
Raffaele T.
New "SXMO" PinePhone desktop brings a full, lightweight tiling-based experience to Linux phones

New "SXMO" PinePhone desktop brings a full, lightweight tiling-based experience to Linux phones

In this period, PinePhone projects seem to appear faster than anything else in the Linux community, like the multi-boot PineLoader [] bootloader, the JumpDrive [] recovery system and USB flash storage emulation [] apps to boot
Raffaele T.
Linux-ready, made-in-Germany "Volla Phone" succeeds on Kickstarter

Linux-ready, made-in-Germany "Volla Phone" succeeds on Kickstarter

Some months after a failed Kickstarter campaign [] with an ambitious €350k goal, German startup Volla has managed to raise more than €20k in a new campaign [] (still open for the next few hours) for their first
Raffaele T.
PinePhone "Brave Heart" early bird developer edition now available for $150

PinePhone "Brave Heart" early bird developer edition now available for $150

About two months after the first Purism Librem 5 batch [] was shipped, Pine64 has finally made the very first batch of PinePhones openly available for sale. We discussed the differences between these two pocket-sized Linux phones in an article some months ago [
Raffaele T.
Official, Plasma-based "Manjaro Phone" teased on Twitter

Official, Plasma-based "Manjaro Phone" teased on Twitter

Over the last year, there has been a peak in smartphone oriented Linux distributions [], probably due to the huge interest in projects like Purism's Librem5 and, more recently, the entry-level PinePhone [] . Another exciting development for this new segment of Linux devices is
Raffaele T.
First prototype for PINE64 "PinePhone" Linux smartphone sports thin bezels and modern design

First prototype for PINE64 "PinePhone" Linux smartphone sports thin bezels and modern design

After being announced several months ago, Pine64's inexpensive "PinePhone" Linux smartphone looks like a cheaper, entry-level alternative to the relatively popular Librem5 [] Linux smartphone by Purism, which promises total privacy and a full mobile Linux experience. In fact, most of the work on Linux for smartphones
Raffaele T.